
  • Events,  General

    Scout of the Year Winner!

    Congratulations to SC&T Rover Lachlan Page for winning Rover of the year 2020. Lachlan is a dedicated rover that uses his role in the Regional Youth Taskforce to represent the Shoalhaven region. With an aim to address youth issues and…

  • General

    Happy World Scarf Day!

    From the Unit Leaders of SC&T Region, we are wishing everyone a happy World Scarf Day. This day is about encouraging all active and former scouts to wear their scarf proudly in public, to promote the spirt and messages of…

  • General

    Anzac Day

    Anzac Day is about commemorating both past and present service men and women and the sacrifices they have and will make for Australia. Normally Scouts across Australia show their respect and gratitude through participating in dawn service and the march.…

  • General

    Website updates

    Welcome to SCAT Rovers online 2017 You may have noticed that there hasn’t been many updates recently on the website, it’s been kinda lonely really. But now, the website is getting a revival. There’s new pages coming in and some…

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